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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 607-758

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Internal Fragmentation in a Class of Buddy Systems

David L. Russell

pp. 607-621

A New Algorithm for Minimum Cost Binary Trees

Adriano M. Garsia and Michelle L. Wachs

pp. 622-642

Determining the Stability Number of a Graph

V. Chvátal

pp. 643-662

Minimizing Garbage Collection as a Function of Region Size

Richard G. Larson

pp. 663-668

On the Worst-Case Behavior of String-Searching Algorithms

Ronald L. Rivest

pp. 669-674

Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Turing Machines

John Gill

pp. 675-695

A Note on Spira's Algorithm for the All-Pairs Shortest-Path Problem

John S. Carson and Averill M. Law

pp. 696-699

A Unified Treatment of Discrete Fast Unitary Transforms

Bernard J. Fino and V. Ralph Algazi

pp. 700-717

Prospects and Limitations of Automatic Assertion Generation for Loop Programs

Jayadev Misra

pp. 718-729

An Analysis of a Good Algorithm for the Subtree Problem

Steven W. Reyner

pp. 730-732

On Relating Time and Space to Size and Depth

Allan Borodin

pp. 733-744

Generating Binary Trees Lexicographically

F. Ruskey and T. C. Hu

pp. 745-758